Interview: Richard Wakefield

I met up with Richard Wakefield, a photographer from Oxford who specialises in fashion, portrait, wedding and commercial photography. Richard has had a love of cameras since a young age, and also achieved a grade A in photography at GCSE. However, his main background is actually in filming.

Richard has run 3 successful film companies in an 8 year period, and believes that this really helped him with his transition to photography two years ago. Writing about this transition, he says “there are cross-overs of course (composition, capturing people, lighting), but filming really taught me how to imagine ‘scenes’ and ‘moments’ before they happened, a skill that makes photography that bit easier“. You can find his impressive portfolio here.

I joined Richard on a portrait shoot in his home studio in Oxfordshire and asked him some questions about his career & interest in photography.

Read below…


What do you enjoy about photography as an art form?

A: It’s all about capturing a single moment, and being able to tell a story in one frame. A good photo is one in which everything comes together as one; a story, technical ability, creative ability.

Have you worked with film before? If so, did you prefer it to digital photography, and was it an easy transition moving from film to digital?

A: During GCSE photography we only had film-cameras, and developed our own photos in darkrooms. Whilst I loved learning the process, and that exciting wait before you even saw your photo, I definitely do prefer digital. We’re in a modern age where time is of the essence, and competition is strong. Therefore being able to photograph and deliver quickly is advantageous.

What was the first camera you owned? And what do you own/use most now?

A: It was a wind-on film camera, a Minolta, but I simply can’t remember the model name. Now my two cameras that I use almost everyday are both a 5dmkiii, with prime lenses.

Photo: Richard Wakefield  |  Model: Alicia Scammell

What’s your favourite type(s) of photography to shoot and why?

A: My favourite type of photography is fashion, on-location. Compared to studio, I love the excitement and diversity of location shooting. Pairing fashion and the surroundings is a great challenge and something I love to look into even before the shoot.

If you had to choose, what would you say is your favourite photo you’ve taken so far, and why?

A: I simply love this photo for personal reasons. It proved to me that when you really marry up fashion, with a suitable pose + model, in the most perfect backdrop – well, then it just ‘works’. This photo could easily be a composition, but I’m proud that it actually isn’t.

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Photo: Richard Wakefield  |  See full photo

Throughout your career in photography, what are the most exciting opportunities that have come about so far?

A: I’ve worked alongside Kirsty Mitchell Photography who is a worldwide sensation, shot a few celebrity weddings, and travelled the world (last year – Hong Kong, Hawaii, France). I’m very grateful for all these opportunities, but I do feel I’ve worked hard to get the jobs and contacts.

What resources have you found helpful when developing skills/knowledge in photography?

A: I’ll never forget a period about 2 years ago when I spent about 3 months solid watching tutorials and behind-the-scenes videos, all on YouTube. It doesn’t matter how diverse the subject or tutor, there are always tips and tricks to pick up, and of course the tips you love most will always sink in!

What do you never leave without when going out to take photos?

A: Alongside my 5dmkiii, I currently love my Sigma 35mm 1.4 Art Lens – such a fast lens, delivering consistently sharp and versatile images. I also take on every shoot a LCDVF (viewfinder) – this attaches to the back of my camera and just gives me a much more accurate preview of photos, without the need to tether to a laptop (difficult when you’re mobile).

What advice would you give to people who are looking for a career in photography?

A: Take photos in every spare moment, non-stop. Learn, learn, learn – you can never stop learning and perfecting!

Other photos from Richard’s shoot:

Find Richard: Website, Facebook, 500px

Find Alicia (model): Twitter, Instagram

Many thanks to Richard for letting me sit in on a shoot and agreeing to answer these questions!

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